Thursday, December 6, 2007


It ain't that difficult to figure out that that word- jip/ gyp/ gip/ jyp- came from another word, 'Gypsy', as a shorter way to refer to someone who rips one off, robs... as Gypsies were and are believed to be theives.
One of my first jobs, when I was illegally working at 14, was at Domino's as a little pizza-making, phone call-answering girl...
We would always get fucked with, taking bogus orders over the phone and delivering to retirement homes or the cemetary or some shit, but I remember everybody I worked with warning me only about the Gypsies. They would tell me ways I could figure out if someone calling was a gypsy and that if I had a hunch they were, to not put the order through because they refused to deliver to them.
Why? Because they claimed that gypsies were always only trying to trick us and get free food out of it... they would complain about everything, insisting we were late, or rude, or the food was cold, or too hot, or we put one too many green peppers on top, or that we owed them free breadsticks from the last time they ordered, anything they could think of to come up on something free. And honestly, at first I was like what the fuck those people don't even really exist and if they did it was centuries ago in undiscovered lands, and if they do happen to exist now, then yall are being racist. So from then I became fascinated by this Gypsy culture we have in America that's often overlooked. They don't dress like what we think gypsies should look like from fantasy movies we've seen.

-- "Gypsies trace their origins to India more than 1,000 years ago. They migrated to Europe in the 1300s. For centuries, Gypsies were enslaved and persecuted in Europe, where they were scorned as nomadic thieves and con artists skilled primarily at palm reading." --

I'm only now bringing this up because I just read an article about these clan of gypsies in California going to court over a fortunetelling business... something that's unheard of normally because matters as those are often handled outside of court in fear of people and the public knowing too much about the culture.

--"The older Gypsies are pulling out their hair, not wanting the courts in our business because they'll find out too much about us," said Tom Merino, who is distantly related to one of the clans but has spurned his heritage. "Ignorance is the Gypsies' weapon against the outside world."--

I been meaning to watch this film: 'American Gypsy, A stranger in everybody's land'
And check this news article on the turf war between rival gypsy clans