My dude Kells has known this little lady since she was 4...NOT A TYPO, 1..2...3..4 years old. She's currently 19 and yes, they are currently banging. Supposedly this is the daughter of his publicist that just quit. Was this the reason why she left? Honestly, I don't care..and am I surprised? Nope. She is 19! ..and is probably getting urinated on...real talk.
And another picture..
And of course, this youtube clip. Did you think I was going to skip out on an opportunity to post a Chappelle Show skit? God, no..
EDIT: I think some new information has been found regarding the two..blah blah blah, don't tell me if the story is false..I just want to laugh at this, thank you.
DOUBLE EDIT: I'm not satisfied..more R. Kelly goods
"Sex Planet" (MP3)
"Shawty is the Shhh" (MP3)
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Do I remind you of your jeep?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
H D R !!!
My new photos:
Times Square
Staten Island sunset
Brooklyn construction
Old train/trolly car in Brooklyn
Home of the new Nets Stadium in Brooklyn
L.E.S. Manhattan
Posted by HANANNE at 6:49 PM
Labels: New York HDR Photography
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Come see my dude Marco Morales spin "Real Talk" on repeat at Smartbar on Thursday with Zebo, DJ Assault and whoever else. I'll be there too, preferably in sweatpants.
Oh, and tonight (Tuesday), go to Danny's (best bar in the CITY) for Smith's Night..I'll be there too...preferably in sweat pants.
Posted by 123 at 5:48 PM
Labels: dannys, DJ Assault, marco morales, SmartBar, smiths night, zebo
Monday, November 26, 2007
Joke's on Me..
The closest Sonic is 126.48 miles away, in Champaign, Illinois. Ok, so being a good hour and a half away, WHY tempt me and tease me with those awesome commercials telling me that you guys serve breakfast all day (which McDonalds should've done years ago) and also telling me about those new macaroni and cheese snack treats you carry. Let me try and find a picture because words can not describe the deliciousness of those tiny morsels...
Wait, and I never heard of this but a "coney?" I guess it's basically a chili cheese dog..ok cool, sign me up for one of those too.
Oh ok and their deserts look great too..the "Sonic Blast" can be compared to a Tastee Freez "Freezee" that my brother and I used to get years ago. Yea..count me in for that too, extra reeses or M&M's...don't matter.
Ok whatever, I'm actually thinking about taking the Sonic challenge and driving to Champaign over Christmas break. Seee yaaa.
Posted by 123 at 3:39 PM
It might be doo dooooo
Posted by 123 at 11:32 AM
Labels: tupac is really alive but wrote this song back in 94
Two days before my birthday!!
Last time I saw Wu-Tang, the only thing I really remember about it was that I went with Bobby and it was like a week or two before the Tribe Called Quest show. I'll let you figure out why I don't remember much. Let's gooooo!!
Posted by 123 at 11:01 AM
I'm still not sure it's rumor
...But it is the first time I'm hearing about it.
Chris Brown has AIDS?
I won't even try to fully remember how this even came up the other night, but we were driving in the car, and Tennille tells us all that she heard Chris Brown has AIDS. And that he's had it since he was born...his mother has it and passed it onto him in the womb. You already know my ass wasn't believing it so we just left it alone and said we'd research it later. I actually even feel kind of bad repeating this on a damn blog post... but when we did finally remember to look that shit up later, our search led us to this:
We saw that site and cracked up.. remixed and sang it repeatedly between Evan, Tennille, and I... we also cracked up at another blog that said:
"I get the most google-related traffic for a google search for “chris brown has aids”. But while I’ve written about Chris Brown, and I’ve written about AIDS, I’ve never actually broached the subject of Chris Brown having AIDS."
I hate getting caught searching things on Google!!
It's crazy because from day one that I heard that song, I always DID sing it as "Don't believe AIDS gonna sloooow me down" and I was always like 'damn thats fucked up' because I know that ain't what he's really singing!
We even went as far as to wonder how many unknowing groupie girls he infected..
But I still don't believe it, that'd be a shame to waste such a fine ass kid and his genes.
It probably really just started by someone singing the words to his damn song wrong...
Posted by HANANNE at 12:31 AM
Labels: AIDS, Chris Brown, don't trust someone just because they're good looking, I'm in denial about anything bad anyone has to say about him
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I got top 5 on it: Turkey Edition
Actually, that's what the pie in my fridge looks like except it's that oreo filled kind. I never want to hear about another pie, I never want to see another pie, I would even go as far as to say that I would be ok with never eating another pie again. Here's my post turkey, post food-induced coma, post feelin' like a beached whale top 5
1. Outkast-"Art of Storytellin' Pt. 4" (MP3 link a few posts below)
2. Calvin Harris-"Merrymakin' at my Place" (Kissy Sell Out Remix)
3. Pete Rock & CL Smooth-"I Get Physical"
4. Hector Lavoe-"Que Lio"
5. Ghostface Killah-"Child's Play"
I'm actually too lazy to move my hands, click on some things and make mp3's on zshare, oops sorry. Have a good Monday.
Posted by 123 at 11:15 PM
Supreme Crushin'
Mr. Rollins,
Sometimes I forget about you, but then I'll be flipping the channels..and your show will be on..and I'll hear you speak...and man, I fall all over again. Besides being extremely intelligent, let me just say two words: Black Flag, anyone? Ok, that was three. With those two characteristics in line though, I can pretend that those pit stains in the above picture don't exist.
With Love,
Posted by 123 at 5:47 PM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
HDR Photography
So I've definitely become increasingly obsessed with HDR photography, I'll admit. But let me explain it... HDR stands for high dynamic range... basically it is a series of imaging techniques that create a greater range of values between light and dark areas than you would normally see in regular digital photos. Not to sound like a complete dork.
It's just a way of making a dope photo
doper. You take 3 or more differently exposed photos (unless you're able to shoot to RAW files), merge them, and then tone map. The end result is just an exaggerated looking photo, with richer visual elements. The intention of HDRing is to accurately represent the wide range of intensity levels found in real scenes ranging from direct sunlight to shadows.
There's so many good ass HDR photographs on Flickr, especially ones by this dude Stuck in Customs, whom I HATE for his amount of talent and ability to be at the places he photographs.
The photos I'm posting are just a few I did today..
Because I don't have a very nice high tech and expensive digital camera or tripod YET, I let it be a team effort between me and Ian, who's the one actually shooting the photographs. I'm just responsible for making them look dope. Usually, half are Chicago photos and the other half are New York photos.
Posted by HANANNE at 6:47 PM
Labels: HDR photography
Upcoming: Molemen & Wu-Tang
One show was last night, which I didn't go to but heard it was good:
BUT Saturday December 15th ....GO GO GO to the official album release/show at the Metro
My guy ASTONISH and others opening for Wu-Tang:
Posted by HANANNE at 2:30 PM
Labels: Astonish, chicago molemen, wu-tang clan
@The Vic 11/23
My camera died early in the night, but it wasn't working well anyway... most of the photos sucked.
There you have it though. I will say this show was WAAAAAAY better than the H.O.B. show!!
More at:
Skate Shoes RIGHT !!!!???
Skate n them shits. cruzin to my car .still more than what most of you do in em
Ian skating in real expensive UGLY but FREE shoes
Read the comments on that shit!!!! Mad funny
I love that everyone's quick to call them things fake....why? Because they ugly but unnecessarily expensive (up to 2gs or even more). And even if hypebeasts don't really like them, they want em because they'd be sooo cool if they had them and everybody would be really impressed.
Ian has them, skates in them because they're SKATE shoes, and no one believes they real? Uhhh, if he ain't got them then who the hell do you thinks gonna have them???
I especially liked TayTay's comments:
taytaysneekfreek (2 days ago)
oh...and ur fuckin horrible at skateboarding anyway...fagggittt
taytaysneekfreek (2 days ago)
first off...there most likely fake... you probably made this movie to do exactly what u did above.. all the stores that got these charged over 300+...most of them around 4-600... so if u say.."ohh there just skate shoesss oh there for skateboarding"...witch you are right... then why did u buy them for 300 or more to skate in...???...dumnass
Like Ian said, fool better do his research.
Either way, here's OTHER people's take on it....because he's always got people talkin:
The Shoe Game- Skate SB's or Die- What the Dunk Edition
Laced Magazine- Skate Shoes or what?
Posted by HANANNE at 1:30 PM
Labels: hypebeasts hatin on those who have what they want and who they really imitating, ian reid, skateshoes?, ugly nikes, what the dunk
THIS fool be going EVERYWHERE for NO reason
and I AM jealous
Posted by HANANNE at 1:18 PM
Labels: ian reids video, japan, skateboarding
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I'm pretty sure I've worn the same outfit for the past week..
Posted by 123 at 9:33 PM
Labels: I have ADD
My favorite day of the year..
I'm convinced that I'm one of the luckiest people in the world. Things I'm thankful for: my family (special shoutout to my best friend, Nicolas),my dogs (Lacey and Buffy shoutout), Jessi Jacobs aka my life partner, my mom's cooking, waffle fries and quarter wings, iced coffee,the Chicago Bulls/Michael Jordan, times when I'm not sitting in traffic, The Note on Friday nights, Wednesday 5 dollar movies at the theater on Western, fake Gucci, real Gucci, Mario Kart in any form, Irazu's fried yuca, R. Kelly's "Real Talk", the times when my mom irons my work clothes, juke ringtones,days when I can sleep in,Outkast's "Spottieottiedopalicious", King Tut, grilled mahi mahi from Aloha Grill,my pool in the summer, rehashing old memories and creating new ones. A lil' bit of Thanksgiving '07.
Posted by 123 at 5:23 PM
Labels: Bernal side, thanksgiving, the itis