Wednesday, October 24, 2007

For those who still care...

This Saturday, October 27th, there is going to be a huge march/rally downtown in protest of the current war situations.
It'll be thousands of youth groups from all across the nation coming to voice their opinion and disagreement with the enormous amounts of money being spent on the war and the lack of money being invested in our nation's education.
I know there's not enough of us who even give a shit (which is fucked up) but for the slim percentage that does... I'm putting it out there if you're interested in participating!
There'll be music acts as well as political speakers at the event. Check the flyer:

One day of the Iraq war= 720$ MILLION. THAT would fund:
34,900 four-year scholarships for university students
12,478 school teachers
1.2 million free school lunches
163,000 people with health care

Even just recently, there's been reports that some millions had been sent to Iraq for police organization, and that money has just gone missing. Which only called for Bush to send even more money...

If that doesn't make you think, then I think it's hopeless that anything will...