Saturday, October 20, 2007


I'm not the biggest fan of musicals..honestly, the only other one that I've actually been into was "Rent" and that's because my best friend was obsessed with it when we lived together and alright fine, I got into some of the songs..("525,600 minutes, 525,00 moments so dear. 525,600 minutes, how do you measure, measure a year?") Ok, I really got into the songs. She was the one that recommended "Across the Universe" to me and after hearing reviews about how awesome it was (and cheesy), I definitely had to check it out.
Ok, I don't feel like going into crazy crazy depth with this, so I'll just touch base on a few things:

1. It was made to watch on shrooms, I'm a firm believer in least smoke some pot. I actually felt like I was on shrooms for some of the parts and I was stone sober.

2. I thought the dude with the brown hair was hot until Hananne and I figured out who he looks like. I'll give you a hint, he used to live in Chicago. Guess who it is!

3. My crush then shifted to the blonde Princeton dropout who is drafted into the army. He resembles Kurt Kobain too..

4. Isn't that chick in the movie the one who's dating Marilyn Manson now?

Anyway, two thumbs up. I'll admit it, I shed some tears at the end of the film..and of course, Hananne didn't. I thought she was crying at some point, but it just turned out that she was tearing up from us laughing so much at this weird couple in front of us, duh.