The only way to survive the autumn and pre-winter chills is to grab your buddy, your boo or your a la moo and cuddle...spoon!! I love this video...why? Because it addresses every spooner's nightmare.."the pulsy arm" aka when your arm falls asleep. Watch this video and become an expert (like me.)
VideoJug: How To Avoid Trapped Arm Whilst Cuddling In Bed
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
14th annual international exposition of Sculpture Objects and Functional Art is back at Navy Pier this year to present masterworks bridging design and fine art.
The event's opening night is tomorrow, November 1st, and continues only til the 4th. So obviously it's a short expo but worth checking out. I used to work at Navy Pier, so I've been able to be there for the event and let me tell you, its HUGE. People come from all over the world, and the work is unbelievable. If you have any appreciation for art, go.
This demonic ass won the $330 million jackpot
Elwood "Bunky" Bartlett plans on using the millions to open a school.... a school for witches, where he will teach the Wiccan religion!! "Bunky" credits his study of Wicca and his practice of Reiki healing for his good luck.
And all he can think to do with that money is burden our already-fucked up world with more witches?!??!
What the FUCK!?! What'd he do right in life?? That's A LOT of money...
It's only going downhill from here, Bunky. You'll be able to afford luxury drugs now....
Posted by HANANNE at 5:41 PM
For the fans....
Our boys, THE COOL KIDS, on a US tour with M.I.A...... if they're coming to your city, check them out and give them a big hug for me!

Studio A. w/ M.I.A. Miami, FL
Oct 31 2007 8:00P
Earthlink Live w/ M.I.A. Atlanta, GA
Nov 2 2007 8:00P
Verizon Wireless Theater w/M.I.A Houston, TX
Nov 3 2007 8:00P
Hogg Memorial Auditorium w/M.I.A Austin, TX
Nov 4 2007 8:00P
House of Blues w/M.I.A Dallas, TX
Nov 7 2007 8:00P
The Fillmore Auditorium w/M.I.A San Francisco, CA
Nov 8 2007 8:00P
The Mezzanine w/M.I.A San Francisco, CA
Nov 9 2007 8:00P
The Wiltern w/M.I.A Los Angeles, CA
Nov 10 2007 8:00P
*Purchase Tixs @ Everywhere
Nov 11 2007 8:00P
Canes w/M.I.A San Diego, CA
Nov 14 2007 8:00P
Commodore Ballroom w/M.I.A Vancouver, BC
Nov 15 2007 8:00P
Roseland Theater w/M.I.A Portland, OR
Nov 16 2007 8:00P
Showbox w/M.I.A Seattle, WA
Nov 20 2007 8:00P
First Ave. w/M.I.A Minneapolis, MN
Nov 21 2007 8:00P
*House of Blues w/M.I.A Chicago, IL
Nov 23 2007 8:00P
*The Vic Theater w/M.I.A Chicago,IL
Nov 24 2007 8:00P
Majestic Theater w/M.I.A Detroit, MI
Nov 26 2007 8:00P
Metropolis w/M.I.A Montreal, PQ
Nov 29 2007 8:00P
9:30 Club w/M.I.A Washington, DC
Dec 1 2007 8:00P
Electric Factory w/M.I.A Bala Cynwyd, PA
Posted by HANANNE at 2:26 PM
Labels: Chuck Inglish, cuties, MIA, Mikey Rocks, the cool kids, US tour
Saturday: Photo Exhibit
Posted by HANANNE at 2:17 PM
Labels: lynnette astair, opening event, photo exhibit, solemates chicago
A Real Brief, Super Quick Recap of Last Weekend..
Haven't you heard Hananne drinks now? SIKKKKEEE!
Posted by 123 at 11:52 AM
I ain't the only one lovin' biracials
Turns out that Madonna desperately wanted 2pac to father her child.
God I do not blame her.
The reason he didnt?...homegirls were saying to him: 'I can't believe you're going out with a white girl' - so she got dumped.
Posted by HANANNE at 10:40 AM
Labels: 2pac, madonna, more BREAKING news
I've been on a multiple day hiatus that's been filled with food,sleep,flicks,sweat pants,Lacey,glow in the dark Air Max 90's and "I Love New York"/that Kim Kardashian show. I'll just talk about that...
I've been on the consistent tip with two shows:
...This shit is beyond like, I'm gonna have to say it's love. I watch it every Monday and seriously crack up every 5 seconds. This bitch and her mom are CRAZYYYYY. My favorite men on the show:
1. MIDGET MAC!! He gives me inspiration to do things I wouldn't normally do..little people rule!
2. MR. WISE!! I've become a fan since last episode where dude (Tailor Made) spit in his face. Spit in the face..hmm, sounds familiar..oops, kidding.
Honestly, this is some quality television. Fuck "The Hills" or "The OC" if that's even a show anymore. Christmas is coming up..or actually forget that, MY BIRTHDAY is coming up..get me season 1 of this DVD for my B-days. Thanks!
2. That show with Kim Kardashian..
I don't have much to say besides that I think the only reason I watch it is because I think she's hot..and an airhead...and it's something easy to watch that requires no brainpower or even an attention span, Which is good...because I have very little of the latter. PS. I envy this bitch's looks, not that whole sex tape scandal situation though.
Let me try and balance this blog out in terms of adding in some real know, news that actually matters. Is anyone else baffled by the fact that a 12 YEAR OLD BOY PLAYING WITH MATCHES started the 38,000 California wildfires? YES, ME TOO. They haven't shown a picture of the boy yet, but I'm going to go ahead and assume he looks like this:
aka Dennis the Menace..
And I'll end this entry with the news that my dog Lacey, whose probably supposed to weigh like 5 pounds, came in this week at a staggering 28.5 lbs. I know, tell my mom to stop feeding her picadillo, yuca, white rice and black beans..I'm ashamed, shocked and appalled.
Oh wait and double PS. Bulls opening game tonight at 7:30PM against New Jersey..bring ittttt!!
Posted by 123 at 10:23 AM
Labels: cali wildfires, dennis the menace, i love new york, lacy
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Dance it out..
I haven't forgotten about this hold you over until the next entry..
Posted by 123 at 11:36 AM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Little terrorist
Posted by HANANNE at 10:14 PM
Labels: my brother is fucking hilarious, my sister's senior portraits
To all my dudes (and ladies) out there: Next time you reach for that super exclusive diamond/dollar sign/ice cream/whatever whatever etc etc all over print shirt or hoodie, know that somewhere in the United States and beyond, a little 14 year old girl is also grabbing her all over print diamond shirt that she purchased from H&M..
Posted by 123 at 9:38 PM
Labels: im all over all over print
Chicago, Stand Up!!!
This is the video for Common's "I Want You" off his new joint "Finding Forever"..which is actually one of my favorite songs..AND one of my favorite albums that came out this year...but I'll go over that sometime in the next few days more than likely..hint: My number one is NOT Kanye West's "Graduation"'s more like number two or three. Common, keep pulling off that sexy, smooth swagger..
Posted by 123 at 4:27 PM
Labels: Common, i want you, you look hotter when you wear a hat
For those who still care...
This Saturday, October 27th, there is going to be a huge march/rally downtown in protest of the current war situations.
It'll be thousands of youth groups from all across the nation coming to voice their opinion and disagreement with the enormous amounts of money being spent on the war and the lack of money being invested in our nation's education.
I know there's not enough of us who even give a shit (which is fucked up) but for the slim percentage that does... I'm putting it out there if you're interested in participating!
There'll be music acts as well as political speakers at the event. Check the flyer:
One day of the Iraq war= 720$ MILLION. THAT would fund:
34,900 four-year scholarships for university students
12,478 school teachers
1.2 million free school lunches
163,000 people with health care
Even just recently, there's been reports that some millions had been sent to Iraq for police organization, and that money has just gone missing. Which only called for Bush to send even more money...
If that doesn't make you think, then I think it's hopeless that anything will...
Posted by HANANNE at 12:51 PM
Labels: 2pac shakur said it best, downtown chicago, iraq war, protest, youth rally
R.I.P Anna Nicole Smith...sike.
Watch the entire thing..this is seriously one of the most fucked up things I've seen..I'm not even laughing about it..OK,maybe just a chuckle or no, just kidding. It's not funny. I think the most ridiculous part is where she thinks that this doll laying on the floor is her "sleeping baby." A huge WTF.
Posted by 123 at 9:52 AM
Labels: mo' money, mo'pills, what are you on
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Code Pink
Another crazy bitch...
CODEPINK: Women for Peace
These feminists rally in protest of the war and sit in on important and serious speeches given by government officials...
They may be nuts, but they get noticed. And thats the point.
Posted by HANANNE at 10:47 PM
Angry ass bitch
Boxed a fellow maniac in jail, abused correction guards afterwards, and then refused to take a drug test...aside from already being in jail for using a cell phone as a the bitch is in segregation for more than two months, where she'll be isolated for 23 hours a day.
Posted by HANANNE at 10:26 PM
Labels: foxy brown, still love the bitch
She's sooo cute in her long sleeves and ankle length dress
Muslim Barbie hits shelves... and she's mad popular!!
Posted by HANANNE at 12:08 PM
Labels: I'm surprised it took this long for someone to come up with this, Indonesia, Muslim Barbie
Monday, October 22, 2007
....the hell?
I LOVE NEYO. This is not some breaking's even a little ongoing joke between a few people. I can't help but listen to his infectious hooks over and over again.It's all because of you....but seriously, is that a man? I found this picture of him and some babe (I'm using that term loosely) on BOSSIP and nearly just puked up my taffy apple..
OK, EDIT: It has to be a woman because I don't think men get cellulite (cottage cheese ripple effects) on their legs/thighs..It's alright girl, we all get them. Just rub some cocoa butter in..
Posted by 123 at 8:23 PM
Labels:, neyo, what the fuck
Sunday, October 21, 2007
First Indian governor EVER
Republican Bobby Jindal (you know his Indian ass is NOT named BOBBY...rather, his real first name is Piyush. Thats obvious) is the son of immigrants from India and now the country's youngest and first non-white Louisiana governor since Reconstruction in the 1870s.
The victory marks a rare trip to statewide office for a minority in the South -- in a state that 16 years ago famously saw a former leader of the white supremacist group the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke, in a runoff for governor.
Some black political leaders complained Saturday of problems at polls in New Orleans, where many people have moved around since Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005.
Man, of course... why wouldn't they complain? They ain't even happy with the black man running for president because he's too white... aka well-spoken and educated. Why we associate that with whiteness?
Either way, there's now an Indian governor, a Muslim congressman, a black senator running for office, and a woman senator also running... minorities on the rise!!
Posted by HANANNE at 4:30 PM
Labels: bobby jindal, first indian state official, louisiana governor, piyush jindal before he assimilated
Saturday, October 20, 2007
I got top 5 on it..
1. Aretha Franklin-"I Never Loved A Man (The Way I Love You)"
2. Marco's 10 Min Juke Megamix
3. Radiohead-"Weird Fishies Arpeggi"
4. Portishead-"Mysterons"
5. Outkast-"Spottieottiedopalicious"
Posted by 123 at 8:04 PM
FALL/WINTER 2007/2008
Posted by HANANNE at 12:47 PM
Labels: fall winter collection, milan fashion week, missoni, summer spring collection, women
I'm not the biggest fan of musicals..honestly, the only other one that I've actually been into was "Rent" and that's because my best friend was obsessed with it when we lived together and alright fine, I got into some of the songs..("525,600 minutes, 525,00 moments so dear. 525,600 minutes, how do you measure, measure a year?") Ok, I really got into the songs. She was the one that recommended "Across the Universe" to me and after hearing reviews about how awesome it was (and cheesy), I definitely had to check it out.
Ok, I don't feel like going into crazy crazy depth with this, so I'll just touch base on a few things:
1. It was made to watch on shrooms, I'm a firm believer in least smoke some pot. I actually felt like I was on shrooms for some of the parts and I was stone sober.
2. I thought the dude with the brown hair was hot until Hananne and I figured out who he looks like. I'll give you a hint, he used to live in Chicago. Guess who it is!
3. My crush then shifted to the blonde Princeton dropout who is drafted into the army. He resembles Kurt Kobain too..
4. Isn't that chick in the movie the one who's dating Marilyn Manson now?
Anyway, two thumbs up. I'll admit it, I shed some tears at the end of the film..and of course, Hananne didn't. I thought she was crying at some point, but it just turned out that she was tearing up from us laughing so much at this weird couple in front of us, duh.
Posted by 123 at 10:21 AM
Labels: across the universe, rent, slushees, sno caps
I just got in from work, I just started some laundry..and I'm waiting for "What Not To Wear" to come on so I have a few minutes to talk a little bit of shit before the weekend starts.
I'll just start off by saying that it's a BITCH to grow out bangs..too long to be bangs, too short to be a part of the rest of your hair. I've been wearing headbands a lot, I can't help it, I'm sorry if I'm always looking like I'm getting ready to run a marathon or whatevs..
Starting next week there are going to be a ton of awesome things going on in our great city of Chicago aka a lil' bit of pumpkin carving, a lil' bit of movie watching, a lil' bit of hayrides, maybe toss in some Fright Fest..and some parties, of course. I heard that Lupe Fiasco is performing Wednesday at Debonair..I heard of some other things..but for sure for sure, I'll be at this..lemme find the flyer..
Double, triple, quadruple threats with The Cool Kids, Marco!, Dj Major Taylor and others.
..and I mean, as far as costumes are concerned, keep an eye out for Hananne and I rockin' quite possibly the following:
Tweedle Dum, Tweedle Dum?
Thing 1 and Thing 2:
Adam and Eve?
Disco dazzlers? (As long as I can be the woman and wear that dress)
But I think I actually prefer this costume though..
I guess you'll just have to find us to see what costume we're gonna pull off..
Posted by 123 at 9:58 AM
Labels: cool kids, couple costumes, halloween, marco morales
Friday, October 19, 2007
How you know when summertime in the Chi has come to an end?
When the corner guys stop selling water and start selling skull caps and socks.
In case you don't realize how Chicago you are.... you know it when:
You used to own a Tweety bird towel jacket (for me it was Taz because I was a tomboy, and his attitude matched mine)
You hum to tune to "bang bang bang skeet skeet skeet"
You drive to Indiana to get gas
You've ever referred to something as "cold" or "raw" or a girl as a "busty" or a "bustdown"
When you don't have nothing to do on a Saturday night in the summer time you go down to the Lake front
You go to the skating rink, not to skate but to juke (and you know what juke is if you're really from Chicago)
Your favorite events of the summer are the Taste (only on July 3) and the Bud Billiken Parade (and Summer Dance at Grant Park)
If you ever used to say salty, lame, on my momma, hecky naw, raw, treated, or remember crucial conflict
You went to "grammar school" not elementary school.
When everybody meet you that's not from the Chi, they say you sound "country". My ass is NOT country.
You wear "gym shoes" (GYM SHOES not sneakers. If you're really from Chicago you know you ain't never called them sneakers til the hypebeast)
If you got any ...other than the Empire carpet commercial or Peter Francis Geraci's ass.... ADD ADD ADD
Posted by HANANNE at 7:20 PM
Labels: You know you're from the southside of Chicago when....
White people are hilarious!!!
Well this "deserving" and "intelligent white European man" ain't joking. He is the same man who said that a woman should be allowed to abort if tests could determine that her baby would grow into homosexual and who also said that extracts of melanin had been found to boost one's sex drive... insinuating that people of color are sex prowlers. He said, and I quote, "That's why you have Latin lovers, you've never heard of an English lover".
HAHAHAHA you're fucking kidding me. And HE was awarded a noble prize?! What is the criteria? Ignorant old white racist male? This country is screwed up in what they deem rewardable.
Oh it doesn't stop no no no... then there's THIS idiot, John Gibson, who said on his radio show, while discussing an incident in which a student shot four people at his Cleveland high school before killing himself:
Posted by HANANNE at 6:19 PM
Labels: James Watson, John Gibson, racist praised men
Since I'm on the topic of planet earth..
Check it....It reminds me of "Baraka", which I'm still visually obsessed with (and if you aren't familiar with it, look it up, watch it if you get a chance. You'll probably wish you were on some sort of hallucinogen or it'll make you think you are)
A BBC nature documentary... the complete series on DVD for damn near $100... "Planet Earth". This shit we live on is unbelievable. And to think most of us will never get to experience it firsthand.
PLANET EARTH - TRAILER - Click here for more home videos
Go to this link... it's a longer video, I just don't know how to embed it.
Posted by HANANNE at 10:43 AM
Labels: 90 dollar DVD, BBC, Discovery Channel, Planet Earth
The Miniature Earth
If the world's population were reduced to 100, it would look something like this....
Posted by HANANNE at 10:23 AM
Labels: the miniature earth project
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Noche De Las Luminarias
Or for the English speakers, A festival of lights!
Lights On Afterschool!
An event brought by the Little Village Community Development Corporation (LVCDC) in collaboration with Eli Whitney, Rosario Castellanos and the Little Village Lawndale Community School Programs.
Come share the beauty of our Latino cultural traditions!
During the event, families will walk from each community school with their farolitos/luminarias (lanterns) encendidos. Everyone will meet at 6:00 p.m. at the Manuel Perez Plaza to enjoy delicious food and student performances. We will talk to local legislators about the need to support learning opportunities in our community.
Little Village High School
31st and Kostner
October 18th, 2007
6:00 p.m.
We will be one of 7,500 sites across the nation sending the message that we must keep the lights on and doors open after school to ensure academic success in our community.
Come thru if you're anywhere near the area!
Posted by HANANNE at 2:30 PM
Labels: Chicago elementary schools, good ass food, little village, local city event
Not for nothing...
...But why is this bitch crying and WHY is this breaking news????
I understand there are a lot of animal lovers-- Mica especially, who baby talks her little bitch and swears she's human-- but a dogs a dog. Yeah, Ok maybe I'm heartless because I say I can't understand the power of one's love and obsession for their pet, but it's one of those conversations that no matter how many times you try to convince me that your dog understands what you're telling it to do, and that it has the same germs as you because its been in your family since birth... it's still a fucking animal. It doesn't need little sweaters when winter rolls around, it doesn't care if you brush its teeth, or tell her shes beautiful... it just learns when to eat, sleep, jump, shit, and shut up.
I had a weird white trash neighbor once who used to yell from her window at her dog "Max, Max....... MAAXX" and when Max wouldn't listen she would finally scream "MAXIMILLION!!!" Like it's necessary to call the fucker by its full name to get his attention. God, I'll just leave it at that. Wait, let me just say this also... she never fed her children...they were little walking popsicle sticks who always came to my house, with little Kool-Aid mustaches (how white people always have) to eat because they were tired of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. But that dog... now he was treated like a king. She would buy gourmet food and put it in a dish for Max to eat, all day everyday. Never went unfed. Now you tell me it ain't wrong to treat a dog like a human.
Treat it like what it is.
... is not in a dog's nature. How you gonna put a little tootoo and ballet slippers on a grown ass lookin dog? AND a little tiara?? Come on.
That's my opinion, I'm not ignorant, don't get offended. If you ain't gonna love one another, might as well love something. So just keep loving your pets.
Sorry, Queenie :( Don't get mad
Posted by HANANNE at 12:22 PM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Location: Havana, Cuba
Posted by 123 at 3:51 PM
Labels: flickr, Havana Cuba, I didn't take these, photography