Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Fuck pants.

This is one of the times where I really feel that I should have my own television show..I'm serious, I want a talk show. Here's a clip from Tyra that involves a bunch of women, including T-bone, taking off their pants in unison. Super liberating, right?! I get the point. These women aren't necessarily "skinny"...different sizes, shapes, ethnicities, etc, and that's always good. I mean, what man wants a really skinny woman anyway? That's a whole different topic that I won't dip into though. So, back to my television show. This thought runs through my mind quite often: when I'm walking to class, when I'm sitting in traffic, when I'm doing my 9-5 thing, when I'm watching shitty television..so, we're talking about anywhere from 75 to 90% of my day. Real productive, I know. Either way, I think about how the show would look; how could I get myself, specifically my characteristics and mannerisms across to my viewers? Then it came to me: No pants. That's right. No fucking pants. Ask my old room mate, ex boyfriends, ex lovers, ex whatevers, current whatevers, good friends, Mom, neighbor or even the mailman (because I'm sure he's caught me a few times) if I like pants. I can't STAND them. There's hardly any room for them in my life and there's sure as hell no room for them on my talk show. My guests won't wear them and I won't wear them. I can't tell you how long I've had this idea for, but it's been a while. Thank you Tyra Banks for stealing my thunder.