While watching the news and reading about mixed economies and collectivism last night, I started thinking about that Rugrats theme song jammy jam (Mya Feat. Mase). I really didn't have to go into detail about what I was doing when this occurred but seriously, I think it just makes the song that much funnier. I mean, really...HOW is a grown ass woman doing grown ass woman things going to all of a sudden be thinking about the Rugrats theme song? Wait, even more so, how is a GROWN ASS man (I'm talking about Mase now)ok with making a rap about some cartoon babies? Wait, let me find the lyrics..
Now Angelica the one with all the exposure
Dil is the one they drop in the stroller
Tommy is the one with snug on his shoulders his shoulders
Cuz Dil cried to sleep cuz his eyes are beat
And as soon as they bring Chucky, Chucky to petro
Chucky gets scared, Chucky says let's go
If I was a Rugrat, it wouldn't a been so real
Me and my twin woulda finished like Phil and Lil
Oh shit..and Blackstreet even took part in this song? To be honest, I don't even think I remember what the movie was about I'm pretty sure it was a little bit past my time, but I think I might have had a crush on Chucky...and I'm pretty sure I thought Angelica was one of the more down girls out of the whole cartoon catergory. Anyway, just to bring it back a little..here's a video of some black dude singing the theme song since I guess an official video was never made.
I'm also going to post some visuals...what's up Angelicaaaa and Chucky!

Yo...Don't be surprised if I write about "Bebe's Kids" and that "Book It!" reading club next time..